He is currently buried at the St. Peter's Church in Quezon City so we went there in the morning. It is now the Shrine of leaders. We went there to pray and we met the parish priest who used to be our assistant parish priest.
The Solemnity of the Assumption is about hope to be like Mary - who was taken up both body and soul up to heaven. We look forward to the day when we will be fully united with God in heaven in body and soul. This ties up beautifully with my father's death anniversary because this feast makes us hope and pray that my father will be with the Lord and that one day, he too will see the Lord face to face and will be raised up with him - body and soul.
After this, we went to my brother-in-law's place of rest at Christ the King of the SVD community. The place is very bright and comforting. It is well maintained.
After this, we went home to rest. My wife and I went to the East Ave Medical Center. Despite the faults of the Philippine government, I see the public health system at work. There were a lot of people being given free medical services. And I would not be surprised if the doctors are very good considering the experiences they have seeing these patients.
For dinner, we attended the mass for my father's soul. I drove to my brother's parish. It was like riding a bike. I was still able to navigate through the crazy streets of Manila. After this, the Yuson clan had dinner - at least whoever was present. It was an excellent dinner not because of the food - but because of the company.
Thank you Lord for this opportunity to be with family.
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