Birthday Girl |
Today's memorial speaks of the culmination of a life in the Lord - it is a life of obedience. One of the news is that the Ateneo president has issued a statement supporting the stand of the Catholic Church against the RH bill. This will definitely get a lot of flak from the intelligent Catholics. This bill has undoubtedly caused a heated debate to the country, but then, conflicts are bound to happen specially if we are talking about life.
A lot of my friends support the RH Bill. I do not support the RH bill. The politicians assure the people that this will not lead to abortion. Yeah right - politicians do not lie - just as I am from Mars. I am fed up with teachers in Catholic schools who push their own agenda and go against the teaching of the Church. First off, the schools are Catholic schools. Their mission is not only to encourage discussion. The purpose of Catholic education is to proclaim Jesus Christ.
Jesus said, "If you love me, you will obey my commandments." How can one claim to love Jesus if one does not obey his commands? I support the bishops' call to investigate the teachers who publicly support the RH bill. I would go further and even suggest that they withhold communion from politicians who support it.
Because they did not do the will of the Father. Christianity goes more than praying the rosary everyday. It goes more than going to mass on Sundays. It goes more than doing social justice work, doing good for the poor, etc, etc. It is knowing the person of Jesus Christ. And if one teaches in a Catholic school and still does not get this, then one should ask why one is still teaching at a Catholic school.
Anyway, back to nicer things. The day began with mass with my daughter. I thanked the Lord for giving her to me. We had breakfast at Jollibee and then went home. My brother and his son and daughter treated us at Tasty restaurant. The food was good. As an added note, I drove to the restaurant through the crazy streets of Monumento, EDSA and Bonifacio Ave.
We came home and another celebration for dinner - no wonder I am gaining weight. Not looking forward to going back to the gym.
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