Being a Sunday, we went to mass. The gospel was the conclusion of the teaching of Jesus on the Bread of Life. Many left him because they could not understand and accept what he said. Jesus turned to the Twelve and asked, "What about you? Are you also going to leave?" Peter said, "Lord, to whom should we go? You have the words of eternal life."
This in essence caps up my trip. To whom should I go? Jesus has the words of eternal life. It is not the place that matters. It is the person that matters. It does not matter if I understand or not what is happening. What matters is Jesus. It does not matter where I am going. As long as I know who I am following. In the end, all that matters is Jesus himself.

We went to Trinoma for some final shopping and back for lunch. I went to visit my mother and brother before I leave the next day.
I took the LRT to R. Papa and then took the tricycle at the Cemetery to the gate. It turns out that the gate was closed so the tricycle had to pass through another gate and drop me off at my brother's place.
I had some discussion with my nephew and niece about the faith. It was like a crash course on Catholicism in 2 hours. Good thing they were not argumentative :)

After that, I went home and walked to C3 to take the tricycle to Rizal Ave., I found out that there is no teller at the LRT station to sell tickets so I had to take the jeepney to Monumento. When I came back, they were preparing dinner - our final dinner before we leave. This was all that was left of what was prepared - it was like the flood washed it away.
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